Brain Strain
Steven Germain shares his thoughts on what it takes to make a good teacher in his post: My 10th grade report card qualifies me to have an opinion... posted at Rough Fractals. This post helps us to reflect on our own schooling and to consider the perspectives of our students. He challenges us to teach with guts and a bit of nuttiness!
Gripes and Brags
This month I'd like to brag about Kelly Hines. She has been posting about some of the things that she has been doing in preparation for the new school year. You can read how to Set Up for Success and Set Up for Success: Procedures at her blog Keeping Kids First.
In the News
Margaret Garcia presents Sarah Palin’s Stand on Special Education posted at Nurse Practitioner Schools. She seeks to clarify misinformation that was published in the Washington post.
Pam Hook of Artichoke shares her thoughts about Cyril Taylor's book "A Good School for Every Child". Pam raises important issues about the way that we perceive ICT in education and the many factors that influence improvements in student learning.
Innovate - Beyond the Slate
Dave Winter shows how kids are learning through video games in his post: Seeing is Believing posted at Reality Check.
Kelly Hines presents If No Textbooks, Then What? posted at Keeping Kids First. This post shows her innovative teaching as she moves away from textbooks in Science, Social Studies and Maths.
Dean Shareski challenges us to consider "Are We Text Snobs?" at Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech. He reminds us of the importance of visual literacy and the need to teach students how to use video, audio and imagery.
In 25 Predictions for the University of the Future posted at Associate Degree Blog, Emily Thomas shares some ideas of how education is changing. This post may help you to think about the sorts of skills that students will need as they continue their education in the coming years.
Kelsey Allen shares Comics in the Classroom: 100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Teachers posted at Teaching Degree.org. Her suggestions cater for a range of ages and also provide tools students can use for creating their own comics.
Fiona Lohrenz gives ideas about Formulating A Day Care Mission Statement posted at Child Care Only.
DeMarcus suggests effective ways of Teaching Kids to Manage Anger at Self Improvement Articles. He encourages readers to consider how they might make this learning fun and engaging.
Look No Further
Patricia Turner presents 50 Reasons to Love Your Local Library posted at Online University Lowdown.
Allison Johanson presents 25 Must-Have Firefox Extensions for e-Learners posted at Best Online Universities.com.
Martha Jackson presents Top 50 Online Education Blogs posted at The .Edu Toolbox.
Jill Gordon presents The 100 Best Open Education Resources on the Web posted at MasterDegreeOnline.
Miranda presents 25 Essential Free iPhone Apps for Lifelong Learners posted at Top Online University Reviews.
Linda presents 50 Fun iPhone Apps to Get Kids Reading and Learning posted at Online Ultrasound School.
Why not submit your post for the next carnival?
The Teaching K-6 Carnival is posted monthly on the 7th. I am collecting submissions throughout the month, looking in particular for posts that discuss and exemplify innovative teaching and the integration of technology in the K-6 classroom. I also invite a few "brain strains" to keep our minds alert and challenged. Please submit only articles of which you are the author and refrain from using this merely as a sales pitch. For full details, please read my call for submissions.
If you have a relevant post that you would like to submit to the next edition of teaching k-6 carnival use our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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Technorati tags: teaching k-6 carnival, blog carnival.
Thanks for including my recent posts. I've really enjoyed the conversations I've been having with others about how to get started in a new school year, no matter how many times you've done it :)